You can learn lots more about Cuddle + Kind here and you should absolutely watch this video! I just adore creator Jen and her beautiful family.
Sloan chose Chloe the pink bunny for herself and Chelsea the cat for Phayre. Phayre chews on her which really offends Sloan, so usually Sloan "watches" Chelsea for Phayre ;).
Sloan has been struggling with some really severe social anxieties (mostly centered around stranger danger) lately. We have had some really awful situations where her anxieties have gotten the best of her and it has truly been heartbreaking. It's gotten so bad that she doesn't want to do things that she has always loved because she is overcome with anxiety or fear. After speaking with her pediatrician we came up with some things to try in hopes of helping her with her anxieties. One of the things she told us to try was to give Sloan some type of comfort item to carry with her when we're out.
Our Cuddle + Kind dolls came the same day we spoke to our doctor and I immediately knew that Chloe the bunny was the perfect companion for Sloan. We sat down and talked about how Chloe could come anywhere with us and that she would help Sloan be brave. I told her that if she ever feels scared or nervous that all she has to do is hug Chloe and Chloe will keep her safe and help her be brave. Sloan has taken Chloe on most of our outings over the last week. Sometimes she leaves her in the car and other times she clings to her the entire time we're out. While she still struggles at times, we are working on it and definitely seeing improvement. It means so much to me that Chloe the bunny has helped even a little bit!
Sloan and Chloe heading into ballet.
I hope you guys will check out Cuddle + Kind and that you like them as much as I do! Make sure to check them out on Instagram and Facebook too!
Photo by Cuddle + Kind.
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