Sunday, February 28, 2016

Easter Basket Stuffins

I am so excited to fill the girl's Easter baskets in just a few weeks!  Easter is really early this year so I've already gotten started on my shopping.  I picked up these bunny pajamas for the girls (you know how I feel about matching pajamas!) and they are so cute!  I always throw a book and stuffed animal in their baskets, along with other trinkets that I know they'll like.  Both of my girls have the large wicker baskets from Pottery Barn Kids, they're super big and well made.  I rounded up some of my favorite Easter basket goodies for babies and toddlers for you guys and linked them all below!

These are bigger ticket items, you can also add fun things like snacks, teethers, nail polish, matchbox cars, chalk, coloring books, headbands or clips (I'm eyeing the set I linked below for Sloan!), and of course bunny ears.  Oh and you should definitely put Cadbury mini eggs in your littles basket because they're like the most delicious candy ever.  Side note: Sloan was born in the spring and I'm absolutely positive that half her body was made up by Cadbury mini eggs.  I ate sooooo many :).

Hooded bunny towel. Duckling rattle. Monogrammed bunny stuffed animal. Bunny slippersThe Easter Egg book. Colorful wooden stacker toy. Floating duck bath toy. Bunny Easter basket. If I Were a Bunny book. Wooden sailboat. Clip set. Nesting Easter eggsEgg Stampers.

Don't forget, you can save 10% on monogrammed bunnies over at Peekawhoo with code SLOANANDCO (the cut off date for monogrammed bunnies to be delivered by Easter is March 11th so hurry)!

I hope this round up gave you some good ideas!  Have fun shopping for your littles!



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