Friday, June 30, 2017

Brown Bumpdate / 32 Weeks

I'm pretty sure I wrote my last bumpdate post like three days ago, but according to the date it was actually four weeks ago.  Where is time going?  And do I sound like a broken record yet ;)?  Ok, maybe don't answer that,  I already know the answer.

Ok, but seriously.  Time is flying and we are getting closer and closer to meeting our little man!  We are all getting so excited!  The girls talk about baby brother constantly, they're both so excited to hold him and help take care of him.  I often hear P through the baby monitor talking about baby brother while she's laying in bed (it is the cutest!).  Along with all of that excitement comes a little anxiety for Eric and I.  Like holy crap, we are going to have THREE kids and be outnumbered!  We had a really hard time transitioning from one to two babies (more on that in this post) and while I know our experience will be different this time, there are still some nerves popping up.  Everyone keeps telling me that going from two to three is easier than going from one to two.  I sure hope they're right!!!  

I promise I'm mostly excited and getting so anxious to meet my little man!  Those pregnancy hormones and anxieties just get the best of me every once in awhile... usually when I haven't slept much, which is a big issue for me lately.

Our little Phayre Bear is all moved into her big girl room so we have finally started working on baby brothers nursery.  It is turning into such a sweet space, I feel giddy every time I walk in the room.  I can't wait to share it with you guys!!

3 2  w e e k  b u m p d a t e

Due date: August 25th, 2017

How far along: 32 weeks!

How many days to go: 57 days... but it's technically 50 days because I will be induced at 39 weeks if baby doesn't come sooner on his own!  OMG only 50 days?!  That is just crazy!

Gender: BOY!

Baby's name: Baby Brownie does have a name!  I can't wait to share!

Size of the baby: He is about 17 inches long, 4 pounds, and the size of a bunch of kale.

Movement:  He moves constantly and his movements are HUGE.  And they're actually painful which I can't get used to.  The girls never ever hurt me when they were in my belly!  It's so strange to see my entire belly move around because he's rolling and kicking.

Total weight gain so far: 30 pounds!  I'm averaging about a pound of weight gain a week so I'm on track to gain about 40 pounds (which is what I gained with the girls).  I'll be honest, I'm feeling pretty huge.  And uncomfortable.  But I've also never been so hungry in my life sooooo what's a girl to do?!

Most recent doctor appointment: I had a doctors appointment last week.  My belly was measuring about two weeks big and baby boy moved the entire appointment.  My doctor let Sloan help her find brothers heartbeat and the girls both danced around the exam room once we heard it :).

Belly button in or out: Oh it's out there alright!

Favorite maternity clothes right now:

Stretch marks: I have a little one above my belly button from when I was pregnant with P... it pretty much faded away, but has recently gotten a little darker and I can see it again.  No new ones though... yet!

Sleep: Holy pregnancy insomnia.  All of a sudden I have a really hard time falling asleep and I wake up all night long to pee.  I have been sooooo tired these last couple weeks. 

Mood: Wellllll I had a pretty major pregnant meltdown last weekend, so I'd say I'm a little more emotional than usual.  Oh my sweet husband, he deserves a medal.  He lives in a house with three girls, one of which is pregnant and overly emotional.  Hang in there Eric... only seven more weeks!  And you'll get a little buddy out of all this :).  

Food cravings: Ice, ice, and more ice.  I legit eat ice ALL DAY LONG.  I go through the chick-fil-a drive thru just for ice and one of the employees knows me by name.  P.S. Costco and Chick-fil-a have the besssst ice ever.  I also can't get enough cheeseburgers, pepperoni and jalapeño pizza, watermelon, cherries, strawberries, ice cream and popsicles, sparkling water, and anything with chocolate or spicy.

Favorite moment this week: So many actually!  Sloan is convinced there is a baby in her belly.  It's a girl and her name is Shimmer and Shine.  She's constantly grabbing my hand and saying, "Mama!!  Quick feel my belly, baby Shimmer and Shine is moving!"  Whenever we talk about what brother will do, she quickly adds that Shimmer and Shine will do it too!  She loves touching my belly and feeling brothers kicks or his back when he pushes up against my belly.

Phayre talks about baby brother constantly.  I love the way she says his name and how she constantly grabs my belly and says, "Movin mama!  Movin!" (even when he's not moving).  She loves running into his room and looking through his toys and books.  She really seems to understand that there's a baby in my belly and that eventually he'll come out and get to live with us.  Sloan seemed oblivious when I was pregnant with P so it's been really fun watching P get so excited!!

I'm missing: Being able to bend over, put shoes on, and hold the girls comfortably.  I'm feeling pretty big and uncomfortable!

Biggest complaint: See above :).  And then add lack of sleep and exhaustion to that list :).  

Recent baby purchase: I bought the cutest little pajama for baby boy last week at a local baby store, I think I'm going to bring it to the hospital.  I also bought my first pack of newborn diapers and some wipes.  I can't believe we just became diaper free and we're about to start over again!!

Nursery: So much progress in the nursery, FINALLY!!  His room is all set up, I'm just waiting on some decor and his bedding to arrive so I can finish decorating!  I cannot wait to share!

Labor signs: none, but gimme like five more weeks and I'll be begging for labor signs I'm sure ;).

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Phayre's Big Girl Room Tour!

Our sweet little Phayre Golda is well on her way to becoming a big girl and this mama is missing her babyness oh so much!!  She has recently transitioned into a big girl bed and has a new and improved big girl room!  I loved Phayre's nursery and miss it already, it was such a sweet and girly space.  I wanted to go with the same girly vibe in her big girl room (with lots of florals!) and I love how it turned out.

My main goal in Phayre's room was to make it cozy and fun, but still something that she can grow into as she gets older.  She isn't quite two yet and she'll have many more years in this room so I wanted to make sure it was fit for a "big girl".  We painted the walls "heirloom pink" by Glidden (purchased at Home Depot) and it is the most beautiful pale pink.  We also did an accent floral wall using peel and stick wallpaper by B Darling Decor.  Eric said that putting up the peel and stick wallpaper was easier than painting the room.  He had the entire wall done in about an hour, we were both so surprised at how easy it was!  I highly highly recommend!  Her rose gold bed (by Incy Interiors) goes with the floral wallpaper so perfectly!

My favorite items in P's room are all of the handmade goodies!  I brought over the pink cloud mobile (by Baby Jives) from her nursery and she still looks up and talks about it.  The floral "P" above Phayre's bed (by Flora and Peg) and the swan wall hanging (by Whimsy Wonderland Co.) are new items that Phayre and I both love.  The vintage dress above P's dresser was actually my moms dress when she was a baby, the beautiful acrylic frame is made by Highland Hardware.  And of course no room would be complete without something fun from Hooray Everyday, I absolutely love the colors in our felt ball garland.

A big giant thank you to my sweet friend Lindsey of Lindsey Wiatt Photography for taking these photos!  If you're in the Portland, OR area make sure you look her up, she's the best!

There are links at the bottom, let me know if you have any questions in a comment below!



The initial hook is really old,  this is similar!  The girls absolutely love these felt butterfly wings by The Wishing Elephant!  And how cute are these knitted lambs by Cuddle and Kind?!?

Floral wallpaper c/o B Darling Decor  /  Bed c/o Incy Interiors  /  Mattress c/o Tuft & Needle  /  Nightstand  /  Balloon photo above nightstand  /  Floral sheets  /  Comforter  /  Pink shams  /  Knit dolls and rainbow pillow on bed c/o BlaBla Kids  /    Felt flower "P" above bed c/o Flora and Peg  /  Pink cloud mobile c/o Baby Jives  /  Woven baskets and hamper c/o Connected Goods  /  Swan (with pink crown) wall hanging c/o Whimsy Wonderland Co.  /  Blackout ruffle curtains  /  Book shelf under window old from Ikea  /  Old Soul Artwork  (shoe basket underneath is really old from Target)  /  Felt ball garland c/o Hooray Everyday  /  Vintage dress acrylic frame c/o Highland Hardware  /  Dresser  /  This Little Piggy rocker c/o Land of Nod  /  Floral knobs on dresser  /  Light pink knobs on dresser  /  Tiered wire rack (holding accessories) is old, but this is similar  /  Wooden name blocks  /  Mirror  /  No Boys Allowed photo purchased from Society 6 awhile ago  /  Gold chair  /  Knitted lamb dolls c/o Cuddle and Kind  /  Rug

Quick Update!
I added a few handmade items to P's bedroom and wanted to make sure to add some updated photos and links to this post!  I am obsessed with her new hand-painted globe from Hello Sunshine Shoppe and the wooden "Phayre Golda" from Blessed Blondies above her dresser!  

Globe c/o  Hello Sunshine Shoppe  /  Wooden "Phayre Golda" sign above dresser c/o  Blessed Blondies

Tutu c/o  Trevi Ave Co.

These are our favorite ever clips from  Ryan and Wren!

Strawberry necklace c/o  Hooray Everyday

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Baby to Toddler Transitions / Potty training, big kid beds, & bye bye binky

Sloan and Phayre are just a few days shy of being two years and three months apart.  Our third baby is due about two and a half weeks after Phayre turns two.  So, all of our babies are about two years apart.  The timing of their birthdays makes for a lot of transitions before baby arrives!

I remember when I first became pregnant with Phayre and Sloan still seemed like such a baby!  I was overwhelmed at the thought of having two babies.  Little did I know, Sloan would change and mature so much over the coming months and wouldn't seem like such a baby once her little sister arrived.  Before Phayre was born, Sloan potty trained, moved into a big girl bed (and passed her crib down to baby sis), and gave up her pacifier.

As Phayre approached 18 months (and I was already pregnant with our third), I knew that she had lots of transitions and changes ahead of her.  Just like with Sloan, I started looking for signs that she was ready to make these transitions and sure enough, she did.  I've gotten so many questions about all of the transitions that Phayre has been through lately so I thought I'd share what we've done and how things are going.

All kids do things at different times, even my girls have done things at different ages.  Obviously because we're expecting another baby we have been motivated to help the girls through these transitions.  Don't fret if your child does things sooner or later, I'm just sharing our experience and what has worked for us!

Remember, I am not an expert or some guru in motherhood (if you know me well, you know this for sure!  Haha).  So maybe take an idea or two, but don't worry if these things don't work for your kiddo.  I also have to mention that Phayre is a really easy going kid.  She's not super stubborn and she wants nothing more than to be a big girl just like her sister.  This has REALLY worked in our favor through all of these transitions!  P is also considered "hyper verbal" which has made these transitions really easy.  She can very clearly communicate with us and really understands us when we're speaking to her.

Potty Training: 20 months
I already shared all about our potty training experience and listed my best tips and tricks in this post.

Big Kid Bed: 21 months
Once P was potty trained, we decided it was time to start working on her big girl bedroom (so that we could also start working on baby brothers nursery).  We decided to move P into our guest room and keep the nursery for brother.  We finished her room big girl room, but weren't in a rush to transition her over.  Once she saw the big girl bed and her new room, she was so excited she immediately started begging to sleep in it.  So we decided to give it a try and she has done amazing!  Not forcing her and letting her decide she wanted to sleep in her big girl bed definitely made the transition easier.

On Phayre's first night in her big girl bed, Eric and I sat on her bed and had a "talk" with her :).  We told her that big girls stay in their beds for sleep and if she wants to sleep in a big girl bed like her sister, she can't get out of her bed during sleep time.  We also told her that if she got out of her bed, she'd have to go back into the nursery and sleep in the crib.  We didn't make her feel like she'd be in trouble or punished, we just laid out what the rules were if you're a big girl.  Phayre is super verbal and made it clear that she understood what we were saying.  Like I said before, she soooo badly wants to be a big girl like her Didi (sister), she's followed the rules and getting out of her bed has never been an issue.

Phayre sleeps in her Dockatot Grand in her big girl bed and I really think that has made the transition super easy for her.  She slept in it in her crib so it's very familiar and still makes her feel surrounded and secure.  She also sleeps with blackout curtains and a Hatch Baby Rest (night light and sound machine).  She moved into her big girl room about three weeks ago and we haven't had any issues at all!  I think making a huge emphasis on it being a big girl room has really excited and motivated her to make the transition.

Bye Bye Binky: 22 months
The binky, or the "tink" as Phayre called it, was the last babyish thing to go.  To be honest, I wasn't in any rush to get rid of it.  Phayre only used it for rest and it never ever left her bed.  Selfishly, I loved seeing it in her mouth while she slept because she looked so tiny with it.  It was her one last little shred of babyness and I just wasn't ready to let it go.  I even texted my best friend Lauren and said, "Ya know, I don't think I'm going to take P's tinks away.  She only uses them for sleep and it's just not a battle I want to take on right now."  It was like Phayre heard our conversation and was like, "Fine mom, I'll be the grown up here and get rid of my tinks." because two days after I text Lauren that, Phayre handed me her tink after nap and said, "Tinks fo babies mama!" I asked her if she wanted to be all done with her tinks and she said, "Phayre Bear all done.  Phayre Bear a big girl!"

I was so surprised that Phayre had decided she was done with her tinks, but decided I better just go with it and follow her lead.  We went around and collected all her tinks and put them in a little basket.  I told her that if she gave all her tinks to the tink fairy, that the tink fairy would give her tinks to tiny babies that need them (thank you Aunty Lauren for the tink fairy idea!!).  I also told her that if she did that, the tink fairy would leave her a little present for being such a big girl!  Phayre was thrilled and started repeating the story about the tink fairy over and over.  So I knew she understood what was happening and was totally on board.

We put the little basket of tinks on our front porch and waited for the tink fairy to come.  Finally before bedtime she came!  Lucky for me, I had just bought P a little baby doll that I had planned on giving her for her birthday.  I threw in a bag of skittles and a couple sticks of gum (yes my almost two year old knows how to chew gum, but we only let her do it supervised!).  Phayre was absolutely thrilled with her gifts from the tink fairy and kept saying, "Big girl presents!!!"  She named the babydoll "tink baby" and cuddles her so tight at night.  I think replacing the tink with a lovey or some sort of comfort item for sleep is really helpful.

Phayre hasn't asked for a tink once since giving them away to the tink fairy.  The transition was her idea and she did it when she was ready-which is much different from when we took it away from Sloan and she screamed at sleep times for a week.

I think my best advice for any of these transitions is to really look for signs that your child is ready and then follow their lead.  Phayre has transitioned from a baby to a toddler seamlessly, but most of these things have been her idea and we've just help support and excite her through the process.  Make sure you talk them through each transition (and that they're verbal enough to have these conversations) and that there are prizes or rewards to help motivate them along the way.  And always remember, consistency is key.  Once you've made a change, stick to it!!  

I hope that this has been somewhat helpful.  I feel so incredibly lucky that Phayre is an easy going kid and wants to be a big kid like her sister, it has made all of these transitions so much easier on her and on Eric and I.  Remember every kiddo is different and will do things when they're developmentally ready!  Good luck mamas!  Let me know if you have any other specific questions in a comment below and I will get back to you!



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