I'm pretty sure I wrote my last bumpdate post like three days ago, but according to the date it was actually four weeks ago. Where is time going? And do I sound like a broken record yet ;)? Ok, maybe don't answer that, I already know the answer.
Ok, but seriously. Time is flying and we are getting closer and closer to meeting our little man! We are all getting so excited! The girls talk about baby brother constantly, they're both so excited to hold him and help take care of him. I often hear P through the baby monitor talking about baby brother while she's laying in bed (it is the cutest!). Along with all of that excitement comes a little anxiety for Eric and I. Like holy crap, we are going to have THREE kids and be outnumbered! We had a really hard time transitioning from one to two babies (more on that in this post) and while I know our experience will be different this time, there are still some nerves popping up. Everyone keeps telling me that going from two to three is easier than going from one to two. I sure hope they're right!!!
I promise I'm mostly excited and getting so anxious to meet my little man! Those pregnancy hormones and anxieties just get the best of me every once in awhile... usually when I haven't slept much, which is a big issue for me lately.
Our little Phayre Bear is all moved into her big girl room so we have finally started working on baby brothers nursery. It is turning into such a sweet space, I feel giddy every time I walk in the room. I can't wait to share it with you guys!!
Due date: August 25th, 2017
How far along: 32 weeks!
How many days to go: 57 days... but it's technically 50 days because I will be induced at 39 weeks if baby doesn't come sooner on his own! OMG only 50 days?! That is just crazy!
Gender: BOY!
Baby's name: Baby Brownie does have a name! I can't wait to share!
Size of the baby: He is about 17 inches long, 4 pounds, and the size of a bunch of kale.
Movement: He moves constantly and his movements are HUGE. And they're actually painful which I can't get used to. The girls never ever hurt me when they were in my belly! It's so strange to see my entire belly move around because he's rolling and kicking.
Movement: He moves constantly and his movements are HUGE. And they're actually painful which I can't get used to. The girls never ever hurt me when they were in my belly! It's so strange to see my entire belly move around because he's rolling and kicking.
Total weight gain so far: 30 pounds! I'm averaging about a pound of weight gain a week so I'm on track to gain about 40 pounds (which is what I gained with the girls). I'll be honest, I'm feeling pretty huge. And uncomfortable. But I've also never been so hungry in my life sooooo what's a girl to do?!
Most recent doctor appointment: I had a doctors appointment last week. My belly was measuring about two weeks big and baby boy moved the entire appointment. My doctor let Sloan help her find brothers heartbeat and the girls both danced around the exam room once we heard it :).
Belly button in or out: Oh it's out there alright!
Favorite maternity clothes right now:
Stretch marks: I have a little one above my belly button from when I was pregnant with P... it pretty much faded away, but has recently gotten a little darker and I can see it again. No new ones though... yet!
Sleep: Holy pregnancy insomnia. All of a sudden I have a really hard time falling asleep and I wake up all night long to pee. I have been sooooo tired these last couple weeks.
Mood: Wellllll I had a pretty major pregnant meltdown last weekend, so I'd say I'm a little more emotional than usual. Oh my sweet husband, he deserves a medal. He lives in a house with three girls, one of which is pregnant and overly emotional. Hang in there Eric... only seven more weeks! And you'll get a little buddy out of all this :).
Food cravings: Ice, ice, and more ice. I legit eat ice ALL DAY LONG. I go through the chick-fil-a drive thru just for ice and one of the employees knows me by name. P.S. Costco and Chick-fil-a have the besssst ice ever. I also can't get enough cheeseburgers, pepperoni and jalapeño pizza, watermelon, cherries, strawberries, ice cream and popsicles, sparkling water, and anything with chocolate or spicy.
Favorite moment this week: So many actually! Sloan is convinced there is a baby in her belly. It's a girl and her name is Shimmer and Shine. She's constantly grabbing my hand and saying, "Mama!! Quick feel my belly, baby Shimmer and Shine is moving!" Whenever we talk about what brother will do, she quickly adds that Shimmer and Shine will do it too! She loves touching my belly and feeling brothers kicks or his back when he pushes up against my belly.
Phayre talks about baby brother constantly. I love the way she says his name and how she constantly grabs my belly and says, "Movin mama! Movin!" (even when he's not moving). She loves running into his room and looking through his toys and books. She really seems to understand that there's a baby in my belly and that eventually he'll come out and get to live with us. Sloan seemed oblivious when I was pregnant with P so it's been really fun watching P get so excited!!
Phayre talks about baby brother constantly. I love the way she says his name and how she constantly grabs my belly and says, "Movin mama! Movin!" (even when he's not moving). She loves running into his room and looking through his toys and books. She really seems to understand that there's a baby in my belly and that eventually he'll come out and get to live with us. Sloan seemed oblivious when I was pregnant with P so it's been really fun watching P get so excited!!
I'm missing: Being able to bend over, put shoes on, and hold the girls comfortably. I'm feeling pretty big and uncomfortable!
Biggest complaint: See above :). And then add lack of sleep and exhaustion to that list :).
Biggest complaint: See above :). And then add lack of sleep and exhaustion to that list :).
Recent baby purchase: I bought the cutest little pajama for baby boy last week at a local baby store, I think I'm going to bring it to the hospital. I also bought my first pack of newborn diapers and some wipes. I can't believe we just became diaper free and we're about to start over again!!
Nursery: So much progress in the nursery, FINALLY!! His room is all set up, I'm just waiting on some decor and his bedding to arrive so I can finish decorating! I cannot wait to share!
Labor signs: none, but gimme like five more weeks and I'll be begging for labor signs I'm sure ;).
Nursery: So much progress in the nursery, FINALLY!! His room is all set up, I'm just waiting on some decor and his bedding to arrive so I can finish decorating! I cannot wait to share!
Labor signs: none, but gimme like five more weeks and I'll be begging for labor signs I'm sure ;).
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