Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Memorial Day Fun!

I love long weekends.  Love them. So. Damn. Much.  We get an extra day with our special guy and we always make the most of it.  We had a jam packed Memorial Day weekend and it was so much fun!  The girls were off of their schedules all weekend, went to bed each night with sticky faces, and were victim to my over snapping of photos.  It was perfect, just perfect.

My best friend Alexi invited us to her families cabin on Mount Hood for the weekend... and when I say cabin, I really mean the most beautifully designed home in the woods.  It's such a beautiful home, you feel warm and welcome as soon as you walk through the oversized door.  Alexi's family has known Eric and I since we were teenagers, they're basically family and we love spending time with them.  We spent the weekend relaxing, laughing, and playing games.  Oh and eating.  We were happy and full the entire time, it was so nice to get away!

This travel crib is AMAZING!!! A full review coming soon!  Travel crib: c/o  Guava Family

We went on the most beautiful hike to Mirror Lake.  Why don't we hike more?  Because it was beautiful and such a great way to spend some time outside as a family.  Phayre slept almost the entire time and I'm positive Sloan has never been more hungry in her entire life.  She ate through all 327 snacks that I brought, but she was such a trooper!  Eric wore her on his back and we hiked well past lunch time and into nap time, but she hardly made a peep.  We definitely plan on doing more hikes this summer!

Since we were home on Monday, we decided to do some shopping in downtown Portland.  It was so sunny and beautiful, the perfect day to walk around downtown.  We lunched at Southland Whiskey Kitchen (Highly recommend!  Good food and kids are allowed) and then grabbed some dessert at Salt and Straw.  Since Phayre turned TEN months old on Monday, we let her have her first ice cream cone!  I would have NEVER let Sloan have ice cream at ten months old.  Hashtag second kid.  P took about ten licks and then dropped it on the ground and cried because she was cold.  But boy did she enjoy those ten licks!

It was such a full and fun long weekend!  I love making these memories with my little family!  I hope you guys had a great weekend too!



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