Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The most random blog post ever.

Summer is in full swing, which means I have ditched most of my responsible ways and have been having way too much fun with my girls.  We are having an absolutely crappy Oregon summer, so few sunny days and barely reaching temps in the 70's!  I take this as a huge personal insult seeing how last summer I was largely pregnant and it was one of the hottest summers we've ever had.  But this summer?  Non-pregnant Marisa has not gotten to enjoy the sunshine (and I don't even have to worry about swollen ankles!).  Anyways!  We haven't had great weather, but we are still making the most of summer!

Whenever the sun decides to peek through the clouds, we head to our favorite splash pad!  We haven't been able to frequent the splash pad as much as we'd like, but we have hit up so many parks.  Sloan is teaching Phayre her park addict ways and every time we go I feel like I've gotten in a pretty good work out.  Phayre is everywhere these days and does not want to be held or hang in the front pack anymore.  Girl wants in on the action!  So I'm constantly chasing her up and down play structures and pushing two little bums on the swings.  It's the best.

Like I said, I've pretty much ditched all responsibility.  Our house has been a wreck, dinner is always late, and the girls stay up past bedtime every night (I should just change bed time and then I wouldn't feel like such a bad mom ;)).  We've been to the zoo three weeks in a row.  Which means carrousel rides, zoo train rides, and elephant ears!  We've also gotten to see so many friends, it's just been a blast.  I've been playing the fun mom card and while I know it can't last forever, I'm sure going to enjoy it while I can!

Laundry.  That's another thing I've kinda given up on.  How do you people do it?  How do you stay on top of laundry with husbands and kids?  It's a good thing my girls have a lot of clothes because at the rate they change their outfits and my lack of laundry doing... it could lead to a very naked combination.  The other day Eric was complaining about being out of white undershirts so I went to Target and bought more.  He came home and was like, "Oh my gosh, you made the trip to target instead of just doing the laundry??"  Target vs. laundry?  I mean duhhhh.  Someday I'll figure out a great laundry system and I'll be on top of it.  Until then, it's trips to Target for undergarments!  And believe me, I'm really mad about the extra Target trips ;)!

I've also been avoiding responsibility by spending lots of time working on P's first birthday party!  I've gotten crafty and made some things along with about 89 lists of things I need to remember to do or pick up.  Are you guys list makers?  I am such a list maker.  And I write everything on there just so that I can feel the satisfaction of crossing it off!  When I started planning Phayre's "Flamingesta"(that's what I'm calling it since it's a flamingo fiesta) I told Eric that it would be small, simple, and anything but "over the top".  And then.  Pinterest.  Damn you Pinterest.  My small and simple party has turned into a giant, over the top, sombrero wearing flamingo bash.  I don't even know how it happened.  Let's just say I somehow talked Eric into building a giant margarita bar for our backyard.  Like built from wood.  And it's huge.  Because what kind of mother would I be if I didn't have a margarita bar at my one year olds first birthday party?

I know.  I know.  I sound crazy.  Imagine what Eric must think of me!

Oh and speaking of margaritas... my ten year high school reunion was last weekend.  First of all, so fun!  I loved seeing so many old friends and catching up with them!  Second of all, mama can no longer hang.  I am super embarrassed to say this because I don't usually drink a lot at one time, but I was absolutely trashed.  And massively paid for it in the hangover department the next day.  BUT it was fun to let my hair down, I just don't want to get that drunk for another ten years!  Oh annnnnnnd, if you were one of the couple hundred people to see my drunk snaps before I deleted them the next day I am MORTIFIED.  If you weren't one of those people, let me fill you in... I snapped a picture of my Taco Bell quesadilla at 2:30am and captioned it "It's what drunk Poole do."  Not "people", but  "Poole".  Seriously Marisa?  So embarrassing.  The rest of my snaps were just me chasing Eric around asking him if he thought I was drunk?  Ummm yes, the answer was definitely yes.

So this post was random!  And probably had no real point, other than it's just real life!  I keep thinking that I'll fall into a good blogging routine and then I remember I'm really just a mom.  Writing about my kids and our life when I can.  And talking about how I'm always behind on the laundry seemed important today ;).  And honestly, I might have shared all of that just because I really wanted an excuse to share some cute photos of the girls (keep scrolling!)?!




  1. Love love love! You and your family are adorable and so relatable. I only have one baby and a man, I can't stay on top of my laundry either. I can manage to at least wash it, but folding it and putting it away? Forget it! I just throw it all on the guest room bed. Whoops. I've been dying to get the Portland zoo, also for an elephant ear. I've made it to the parking lot twice and then get overwhelmed and leave 😂

  2. This post was great! Had me laughing out loud and reading it to my husband! Thanks for sharing your real, relatable life! Glad to know I am not the only one who will make up any excuse to get out of the house and to Target!


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