Friday, October 30, 2015

Nice to meet you!

Hey guys!  I've been wanting to start a blog for awhile now and finally found the time to get started! I hope to use this blog to document our journey and share our adventures with our two sweet girls-cocktails, cringe worthy moments, and chunky baby photos included.  I thought I'd start by introducing myself:

I'm Marisa!  Wife to Eric and mama to Sloan Eloise and Phayre Golda.  We live a little suburb just east of Portland, Oregon in a house with lots of stairs on a hill.  I met Eric in high school and he is the reason I believe in love at first sight.  I have followed him around the country (because of his job) and he has given me an incredible life and two blue eyed babes.  We have been married for six years and I think he is even hotter than the day I married him!

Before Sloan was born I was a second grade teacher.  I had never imagined being a stay at home mom, but shortly after welcoming Sloan I knew I couldn't go back to work.  As with all "jobs" there are good days and bad days, but I have never regretted becoming a stay at home mom.  The memories we've made and the bond that I share with my children is incredible.  Although lets be real-I totally miss having a lunch break all to myself.

I am passionate about motherhood, making a good life for my family, and finding the perfect iced coffee.  I have a daily Starbucks habit that my husband hates tolerates (grande iced coffee with two Splenda and cream please).  I love photography, making things with my hands, and decorating for holidays.  I make a huge deal over birthdays (we celebrate "birthday week" over here) and I love pumpkin anything.  Like all good wives and mothers, Target is my happy place.  Nordstrom doesn't hurt my mood either though.  I'm also that person that believes in documenting every possible thing as my children are growing much quicker than I'd like and I am terrified of forgetting anything.

I opened Sloan & Co. in the summer of 2014.  I was inspired by my sweet and spunky Sloan and her love of jewelry, but Eric gave me the courage to actually open up shop.  I swear if you looked up "supportive husband" in the dictionary you'd find a photo of Eric.  He's pretty amazing ladies, but I'm sorry I'm keeping him :).  Sloan & Co. has allowed me to be creative and really helped me find myself again after becoming a mother.  I am so thankful for the opportunities that SAC has opened up and the people that I have met along my journey.

Well thats just a little bit about me and my family.  I look forward to sharing and connecting with other women as we survive and celebrate motherhood!  Feel free to introduce yourself in the comments, I would love to "meet" you!



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