By far my favorite gift guide is the one for little ladies (because obviously I have two of them)! All of these items are items on my girl's wish lists, I wish I could buy them all! Just so much cuteness! Playing make believe is Sloan's most favorite thing to do so I really love this tutu dress, this doctor kit, and this horse stable! Phayre is obsessed with babies so I can't wait to give her this baby doll crib!
Happy Shopping!
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Monday, November 28, 2016
Men's Gift Guide
So excited for another gift guide!! This time I'm focusing on the fella's. Eric is always my hardest person to shop for, he never asks for anything! I always try to get him things that he'll love, but also things that are practical. I mean we all know Eric is cheap frugal, so practical gifts are always a plus :). I rounded up some great mens gifts that are all Eric approved. He wanted to make sure that I told you guys that these sweatpants are the best sweatpants ever and that the men in your lives deserve them ;). I hope you find something for that handsome fella in your life!

Sunday, November 27, 2016
Women's Gift Guide #mychristmaslist
Holy moly it's almost Christmas! Like Thanksgiving is over and I don't have to feel bad about having my Christmas tree up anymore! I kind of can't believe that Christmas is almost here and that this year is almost over. 2016 you flew by! I have just started my Christmas shopping, which is so not like me. I usually start buying things here and there over the summer and by December I just have to pick up a few odds and ends. That is most definitely not the case this year. So, I'm hunkering down and doing all. the. online. shopping. Two little kids plus busy stores just isn't a great combination.
This entire week, I'll be sharing gift guides! Each one will be carefully curated by me (doesn't that sound so fancy!). Up first, a gift guide for women. I love this one because we all need ideas for our sisters, best friends, mothers, etc., but we also need ideas for ourselves! I basically came up with this guide after Eric asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I hope you get some great ideas from this gift guide, I pretty much want everything.
My top pics are this candle (I ask for one on Christmas and one on my birthday every year! The volcano scent is my favorite!), these bunny slippers (I will be shocked if I don't buy these for myself before Christmas), this pom beanie (ladies, we all need this beanie in our lives. Need.), and this weekender tote (another need, Eric). For some of my best friends, I plan on buying them these #momlife zip ups from Emerson Grace Boutique. I think they are so cute and look so cozy, bonus they are 30% off right now with code HOLIDAY30!!
Happy shopping!

There are a ton of black friday and cyber monday sales going on right now so a lot of these items are discounted! Nordstrom has tons of items marked down, no code needed. Everything at Anthropologie is 30% off with code LETSGO. Get 40% off at J. Crew with code HOLIDAY. Gap is offering 50% off everything with code CYBMON. And West Elm is offering 30% off and free shipping with code SAVENOW.
Friday, November 18, 2016
Friday Favorites
Hi babes! Happy Friday! This week flew by, like seriously how is it already Friday and how is Thanksgiving next week? I've been majorly blog lacking (sorry!), life has been loud and I can't seem to get both feet on the ground lately. I haven't done a Friday Favorites in awhile, which is such a shame because I have so many things I've wanted to share!!
Up first, because I simply cannot keep it to myself any longer. This sweatshirt. This is what sweatshirt dreams are made of. So cozy, but still cute and flattering. Plus I love that it's tunic length.
I recently wore this lace dress in our Christmas card photos and it is seriously the perfect dress to wear to a holiday party. It's so flattering, I can't wait to wear it again.
My favorite booties (which are insanely comfortable) just went on sale! So now I'm pretty positive I need a second pair (I have them in black and can't stop wearing them).
Anyone else collect latte bowls? I have been buying those babies since Eric and I were dating. I have way too many, but they are my favorite cereal, idea cream, soup, pretty much everything bowls. Well, a new luster line just came out and I bought. them. all. They are so good! Here is the regular latte bowl, mini bowls, and mixing bowls. Ah I love them.
Ok mamas, treat yourself and buy this candle. It burns forever and I cannot get enough of the whipped cream and pear scent. I've also tried the pumpkin soufflé and and sweet vanilla cinnamon and they smell amaze as well.
I cannot stop buying the girls winter and Christmas pajamas. I love seeing them all cozy in matching jams! I just got the girls these penguin jams and they are my absolute faaaaaave. Plus they're on sale now!!!
My sweet P is obsessed with baby dolls so I just ordered her this soft baby doll. It will be sitting under our Christmas tree with this insanely cute crescent moon doll crib. Ah I can hardly wait for her to open them (in like five weeks!!).
I am loving one pot meals lately. Anything that saves me time doing dishes is good in my book. Recently I've tried this one pot lasagna and this one pan chicken and potato dish. You can more on my "good eats" pinterest board! Come follow along on Pinterest!
Alright babes, that's all I had for you! I've been dying to share all of those, I hope that you love them as much as I do! Have a wonderful weekend!
Up first, because I simply cannot keep it to myself any longer. This sweatshirt. This is what sweatshirt dreams are made of. So cozy, but still cute and flattering. Plus I love that it's tunic length.
I recently wore this lace dress in our Christmas card photos and it is seriously the perfect dress to wear to a holiday party. It's so flattering, I can't wait to wear it again.
My favorite booties (which are insanely comfortable) just went on sale! So now I'm pretty positive I need a second pair (I have them in black and can't stop wearing them).
Anyone else collect latte bowls? I have been buying those babies since Eric and I were dating. I have way too many, but they are my favorite cereal, idea cream, soup, pretty much everything bowls. Well, a new luster line just came out and I bought. them. all. They are so good! Here is the regular latte bowl, mini bowls, and mixing bowls. Ah I love them.
I cannot stop buying the girls winter and Christmas pajamas. I love seeing them all cozy in matching jams! I just got the girls these penguin jams and they are my absolute faaaaaave. Plus they're on sale now!!!
My sweet P is obsessed with baby dolls so I just ordered her this soft baby doll. It will be sitting under our Christmas tree with this insanely cute crescent moon doll crib. Ah I can hardly wait for her to open them (in like five weeks!!).
I am loving one pot meals lately. Anything that saves me time doing dishes is good in my book. Recently I've tried this one pot lasagna and this one pan chicken and potato dish. You can more on my "good eats" pinterest board! Come follow along on Pinterest!
Alright babes, that's all I had for you! I've been dying to share all of those, I hope that you love them as much as I do! Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, November 17, 2016
The Monster Mash with OXO Tot // Roasted Pumpkin Pasta Recipe
Making the girls' baby food has been one of my favorite "mom duties". I feel so good about feeding them fresh and organic fruits and vegetables. And I honestly really love making the purees! It can be a bit time consuming to peel and chop, cook, and prepare all of the fruits and veggies so I have always done them in bigger batches and then freeze some of it. I feel so good about feeding them something that I made and knowing exactly whats in it.
Phayre is 15 months old now so we have moved past the basic one or two ingredient purees. While she eats pretty much everything we eat, I like to make her purees still because it's another way I can sneak some veggies in. Because pickiness and opinions also come with being 15 months old! I often leave some "chunks" in her purees because she has enough teeth to chew now. I also usually add some pasta because girlfriend loves herself some pasta and is more likely to eat it all if there is a little pasta in it.
I recently made Phayre a roasted pumpkin puree and she devoured it. It is basically like a creamy pumpkin pasta sauce (yum!). I plan on making it again while I can still find pie pumpkins in our grocery store and thought I'd share the recipe with you guys. This would be a great recipe for babies (I would omit the pasta for smaller babies) through young children. You could also easily incorporate more vegetables into this recipe, I've added roasted zucchini and tomatoes to it and the girls loved it.
Here are the ingredients you will need:
-1 pie pumpkin (they should be in the produce section at your grocery store)
-1/2 cup pasta (I used Barilla cut spaghetti. You can use any pasta you'd like, just chop it into smaller pieces)
-salt and pepper
-1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
-1 teaspoon sage, finely chopped
-3 tbsp. whole milk
-1 to 2 tbsp. parmigiano-reggiano cheese (grated parmesan cheese will work just fine too!)
-OXO Tot food masher
-OXO Tot glass baby blocks
-OXO Tot feeding spoon set
-baking sheet
-large mixing bowl
1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
2. Cut your pie pumpkin in half and scrape the seeds out. Lay each half face down on a baking sheet. Laying them face down will keep the "meat" of the pumpkin moist and will prevent it from being burned. Bake for about 35 minutes.
3. Boil your pasta while the pumpkin bakes.
3. Take your pumpkins out of the oven and peel the skin off (you'll know they're done when the skin peels right off).
4. Put the pumpkin into your OXO Tot food masher and mash away. It will become a puree in seconds!
5. Move your mashed pumpkin into a larger mixing bowl. Add a dash of salt and pepper, nutmeg, sage, milk, cheese, and cooked pasta (You can add any other roasted vegetables that your baby might like. I love zucchini and tomatoes in this recipe). Give it a quick mix and it's complete!
6. I divide the mixture by four and put it into the OXO Tot glass baby blocks. Store them in the fridge or freezer, depending on how quickly you'll be using them.
Ok now lets talk a little about the OXO tot tools that I used because I seriously love them! The OXO Tot food masher is probably my favorite baby food making gadget ever and I'm bummed that I just got it! It is a generous size, but still perfect for mashing a single serving (like avocado or banana in the very beginning). The masher works SO WELL, it mashed the pumpkin up in seconds. And the best part? It has a lid! So if you mash up an individual serving and your baby doesn't finish it, just put the lid on and pop it in the fridge! It's also only $9.99, you can't beat that for such a useful baby food making tool!
The OXO Tot glass baby blocks are the perfect portion size for storing baby food. You can freeze them, wash them in the dishwasher, and they're microwave safe. You can also serve your baby straight from the glass block, no need to dirty a bowl! I love the size of these so much, they're the perfect portion for P. I also split one portion for both girls if I'm using the pumpkin pasta as a side dish. You will love these if you like to store baby food! The OXO Tot feeding spoon set is great because the part that goes into the baby's mouth is soft. This makes it easy to scrape the bowl clean when feeding your babe, which you'll do because your babe is going to love this pumpkin recipe!
I hope your babe loves this recipe as much as my girls do! I think it's so fun to offer new (and seasonal) flavors like pumpkin.
I partnered with OXO Tot for this post. This recipe and all of the opinions expressed are 100% my own!
Rockets of Awesome // Littles Clothing Subscription
We recently got our first Rockets of Awesome clothing subscription box in the mail and I've been dying to share it with you guys. And by we, I actually mean Sloan. It's a clothing subscription that is actually for kiddos (boys and girls sizes 2-14)! The clothes are so cute and just her style!
I was a little unsure at first, but I have totally fallen in love with this subscription box. I was actually able to tell Rockets of Awesome what Sloan likes and doesn't like (loves pink and tutus, REFUSES to wear jeans... you get the idea). I filled out a quick questionnaire about Sloan and included her sizes. They handpick eight to twelve items, each item ranges from $12 to $36. Ok now this is my favorite part... when the box arrives, you get to try the clothes on and decide what you want to keep. You get to send back (and not pay for) the items that your child doesn't want! So you can only imagine the amazing fashion show we had while trying on all of Sloan's new goodies :).
You get a box four times a year (once a season), but there are no membership or shipping fees. You're only charged for what you keep and you send back the rest. You can learn lots more about Rockets of Awesome here.
It's a really straight forward subscription service, which I love. And I'll be totally honest-I am so impressed with the quality of the clothes. I won't spend a fortune on kids clothing, but I do make sure to only buy clothing that is soft and well made. The clothing in our box definitely fit the bill. Plus Sloan really does love the clothing, I mean cummon-they had her at tutu and sparkles.
Definitely check out Rockets of Awesome (you can take the questionnaire and sign up here!), it is certainly Sloan approved :). Oh and boy mamas, the boy clothes are super cute too!!
I partnered with Rockets of Awesome on this post, but as always all of the opinions expressed are 100% my own! Duh :)
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Holiday Cards // Family Photo Tips
Ok guys, lets chat Holiday cards. I feel like there is SO much pressure surrounding fall family photos and sending out the perfect holiday card. We send out a Christmas card every year with our family photo on it. This is the first year that I kind of didn't feel like doing it. Mostly because it's just expensive! Between the outfits, the photographer, the cards, and the stamps... it really is a big expense. And also because it takes a lot of time and planning. At one point, I decided not to do them this year. Eric actually called me out and couldn't believe that I was trying to skip them!
Ultimately we decided to do them, but we kept it super simple. I used clothes we already had and didn't stress about perfectly coordinated outfits. I plan on ordering cheap(er) Christmas cards (thank you Costco!) and Eric even said he'd help me address them this year! So basically, I'm saying give yourself some grace this holiday season! Us moms are responsible for so much, especially when it comes to creating holiday magic for our little ones. So if you decide to do holiday cards, keep it simple! And if you decide not to do them, don't beat yourself up! Christmas cheer isn't wrapped up in a holiday card :).
If you do decide to do holiday cards with a family photo, I wanted to share some family photo tips (that can be used for any family photo session-I just thought this was the perfect time to share them!). I actually posted these tips months ago, you can see the full post here. I thought I'd do a quick refresher and add a few more tips specifically for Christmas/holiday photos!
Family Photo Tips
1. clothing
We've all seen (or participated) in the family photo where everyone is wearing the exact same color shirt and jeans (or worse, the photo where everyone is wearing jean shirts :-P). How boring! When choosing family outfits, I like to coordinate 2-3 colors and some type of print or pattern. Make sure the 2-3 colors you're choosing look good together, I always lay everyones clothes on the bed to make sure they look good next to each other. For our recent family photos, I chose to go with cream and tan and added pops of mustard and maroon. Since Eric and I were both wearing solids, I put Sloan in a floral dress and P in polka dot tights. I love to see a little print or pattern in family photo outfits. Just make sure one person doesn't stand out too much, remember you want everything to coordinate (but not match!).
Another tip for holiday outfits for photos... it can be tempting to choose red and/or green because you have Christmas in mind. While that might look so cute on a Christmas card, it might not look great on your wall and work with the rest of your house. If you plan on printing and hanging your photos in your home, make sure the photos aren't screaming red and green. Unless your interior colors are red and green... and if they are, we may need to talk about that ;).
One more piece of advice when choosing your family's outfits: Choose your own outfit first (I'm talking to you, mama). We are hardest on ourselves so choosing our own outfit will be the biggest challenge. Choose something that you feel good in first and then choose everyone else's outfits.
2. comfort & attitude
Make sure everyone is comfortable, but mostly your little people! If your son is miserable in that darling little bowtie that you bought him, ditch the bowtie. Sloan will only wear dresses and the twirlier the better, I would never put her in anything other than a dress for photos because I know that's what she's most comfortable in. DO NOT schedule photos during nap time, schedule them either way before nap time or afterwards. FEED them before you go (even if it's not their normal meal time), they'll be much happier with a full belly. Bring snacks or treats for bribery (our go to is mini M&M's), you never know when you might need reinforcements!
Ok, this one is IMPORTNANT: Photos can be really stressful and it can be easy to feel frustrated with little people who will not cooperate. Do your best to keep a fun and positive attitude! Your kiddos will sense and probably copy the attitude that you have. At our recent family photos, P would not stand. Like literally would not straighten her legs when I tried to put her down. Like her legs were jello and she would just melt into the dirt. I was getting a bit frustrated with her (mostly because she is usually my more cooperative child!), but I really just had to laugh about it. We didn't get all the "shots" that I had in my head, but we went with it and still got some great photos. Even if the girls are sitting in the dirt instead of standing, they still look super cute doing it :).
P doing her best jello impression.
3. finding the right photographer
When looking at a photographers website, make sure to read their "about me" section if they have one. Try to get a feel for who they are and decide if they'll work for you and your family. Look at photos they've taken of other families and try to get a sense of their style (do they do more traditional/posed photos or do they have a lot of silly/candid/lifestyle photos). This will make a huge difference in the way your kids respond and act in the photos.
Other important things to know when choosing a photographer:
-What is the cost and what does it include? Does it include the digital rights to the images? If so, how many images does it include (many photographers cap the number of images they will send.
-How long will your session be?
-What is the photographers turnaround time? Meaning, how long will you be waiting on your images.
4. keep it simple, short, and sweet
When you're taking photos with small children, try to find a photographer who offers mini sessions. There is no way you're going to keep a little person happy and engaged for an hour or more. Book a session that is 30 minutes or less. You don't need outfit changes, lots of props, or 500 photos. Remember, you only need a few good photos! Keep it simple, short, and sweet. Your kiddos will thank you for it. And now that I think about it, it may be even more beneficial for your husband than your children :).
Ask around, many photographers offer discounted mini holiday sessions that are around 15 minutes long!
We usually try to get one great family photo of the four of us right when we get there. Then we let the girls run around and try to get some candid shots. Remember, you only need one great shot for your holiday card!
5. display the photos in your home
This seems so obvious, but people often forget to print and frame their photos. Do it right away while you're excited about your new photos. Do it at the same time you order your holiday cards and you're sure not to forget! Frame a couple and display them in your home, you'll smile every time you walk past them!
I hope these were helpful and if you decide to do fall family photos I hope that they go well! I'm sending all the cooperative and smily child vibes your way!
Monday, November 7, 2016
When we got to Disneyland and checked into our hotel, we dropped our bags in the room and headed straight for Downtown Disney. We had lunch at one of our favorite restaurants, Tortilla Joes (if you go there, try the spicy mamacita margarita!). As soon as we finished lunch, it started down pouring!! Buckets and buckets of rain and I got really nervous about our Disney days. Within a few hours it stopped raining and didn't rain again the entire time we were there (phew!). The weather was actually perfect, warm, but not too hot. October is a great time to visit Disneyland, especially because it's decorated so beautifully in the park!
Our trip was amazing, we had so much fun and made so many memories. I even got to visit with two of my best gram friends, Karissa and Erin! Sloan had an absolute blast playing with new friends and sharing sweet treats! Karissa and I even dressed all of our girls up as princesses using lots of small shop goodies.
Soooo many of you asked me questions while we were in Disneyland and I tried to write all of them down. I'm sharing some of my best tips and tricks below, along with an insane amount of photos. I mean it's Disneyland, you always walk away with way too many photos!!
Disneyland Tips and Tricks
Booking your vacation:
-We always book our trips through Costco travel (they don't pay me to say that, we really always go through them!). Our park tickets, hotel, and airfare are all included in one price and it's always lower than if I were to book them myself. The Costco package also includes a free character dining experience and a gift card.
-Through Costco travel, you can choose any of the Disneyland hotels to stay in. We've stayed in the Paradise Pier hotel and the Grand Californian and have loved both (Paradise Pier is quite a bit more affordable). We love how convenient it is to run back to the hotel for nap time, they're so close to the parks!
-We have felt like park hopper tickets are a waste of money, you can easily spend an entire day in one park and save some money. We usually go for three or four days and spend one to two days in each park (Disneyland and California Adventure).
-The lines to eat in Disneyland can be crazy long which is never good when you have hungry little people. There are a few ways to get around this... Make reservations before your trip through Disney dining. They are so good about being on time so you can plan your day around your meals. Or, eat in downtown Disney. There may be a wait time at one of the restaurants in downtown Disney, but it will probably be much less than at a restaurant in Disneyland. Our favorite is Tortilla Joes, Eric and I love splitting the fajitas. You can also eat in your hotel, there is rarely a wait. There is a (kid friendly) bar in the Grand Californian hotel, they offer light food options and allll the drinks :).
-If you have a princess obsessed little girl like I do, you HAVE to make a reservation at Ariel's Grotto. Ariel's Grotto is in California Adventure and is reservations only. You get to meet Ariel and four other princesses (we met Rapunzel, Belle, Tiana, and Cinderella). Sloan was in awe and had the best time!
-California Adventure serves alcohol and Disneyland does not. Just thought I'd let ya'll know :).
Making the most of your trip:
-If you stay in a Disneyland hotel, you get to go into the park an hour before it opens. They call it magic hour and it really is magic. There is a fraction of the people in the park and you can squeeze quite a few rides in before the park opens up to the public. We usually hit up Sloan's favorite rides and just keep going on them over and over without waiting in line (teacups, dumbo, Alice in Wonderland).
-Taking advantage of magic hour means waking up early (which sucks, but it's so worth it)! Eric and I would wake up between 6-6:30 so that we could shower and get ready before the girls got up. Eric would run over to Starbucks and grab us breakfast sandwiches and coffee while I got ready. As soon as he got back we would wake the girls up, feed them, and dress them. I always pack our bag the night before so that we're ready to go as soon as we're all dressed.
-Oh! One more thing about magic hour... you get to go into the parks an hour before they open (at 8am), but people will start lining up about a half hour before 8am. We always try to be out of our hotel room by 7:30am. And for those of you who asked why there was no one in the background in my photos, it's because we took advantage of magic hour!
-Ask a ride attendant about parent swap! Your little one will be able to go on a ride twice, one time with each parent without waiting in line twice!
-Plan nap time around the parades, the parades are magical for kiddos!!!
-California Adventure ALWAYS has shorter lines than Disneyland, keep that in mind for little ones!
-Wear comfortable shoes and make sure your littles are wearing comfortable shoes.
-Bring coats and pants for nighttime. Even if it's a nice day, it gets really cold at night!
-Bring a stroller (if you have younger kiddos) and park it in stroller parking. We brought our Uppababy Vista double and it was PERFECT. The girls were so comfortable and because it isn't a side by side, it was still easy to maneuver through the crowds. You can see more about my Vista love here!
-If you are bringing your Vista, make sure you purchase the Uppababy Vista Travel Bag. I looked online at cheaper stroller bags for traveling, but none of them actually protected the stroller from impact, they basically just covered it up. Not only is does the Uppababy travel bag protect the stroller, they guarantee that it will! You can register the bag and if anything happens to your stroller, Uppababy will cover it. It also has wheels so it's easy use.
*** On our flight to California, our Uppababy travel bag was actually broken because the people handling it were so rough with it. I am SO glad it happened to the bag and not the actual stroller!! I had registered the bag so it's totally covered, phew!
-Bring a diaper bag that can be work as a backpack. I brought my Fawn Design bag, which is the best backpack diaper bag of all time. It's so comfortable and just the right size. I actually always bring two bags, we put all of our important belongings (cell phones, wallets, camera, etc) in the backpack along with a few snacks, water cup, and a diaper and wipes. This is the bag we take with us while we're waiting in line (basically anything we might need right away). I bring another bag that I keep in the basket of the stroller. In the second bag I pack more diapers and wipes, water bottles, extra clothes, some toys/books, and ALL the snacks.
-Bring a small book or toy for your little while they're waiting in line... and snacks. Food keeps little people quiet and happy-two things you need when waiting in line.
-Take advantage of the baby care centers. It's a nice quiet (and clean) place where you can change or nurse your baby.
Other stuff:
-Ask other families to trade taking photos. You take a photo of their family and they take one of yours. You'll be so glad you have a photo of your entire family!
-Make sure you download the Disneyland app!!! It has wait times, tells you where characters are, and lets you know which rides offer a fast pass. Just make sure you completely close out of the app when you're done looking at it, it'll drain your phone battery.
-Take advantage of fast passes, it's so nice skipping the lines!
-Stay for the parades, fireworks, or water show at night. It is SO worth it!!!
-If your phone dies, you can charge it inside of Starbucks. Just make sure you bring your charger with you!
That's all I can think of for now! Please let me know if you have anymore questions!!
The girls slept together while we were in California and it's totally tempting me to let them share a room. No, a bed. It was just SO precious!!!
P's ice cream romper by Hello Ellie Shop. All of the girls bracelets are by Poppy Lane And Co. and we absolutely love them!
And then we got to DISNEYLAND!!!
Bows by The Splendid Bow.
Swimsuits by Cabana Life. Clips by Ryan and Wren.
Bows by Zozu Baby.
So we took Sloan to Bibbity Bobbity Boutique which was absolutely adorable! She loved it so much, but I think I'll wait until she's a little older to do it again. We went with the cheapest package (which was $65) and while she loved all of it in the moment she wanted to rip everything off as soon as we left. Her hair hurt up in a bun and she begged non stop for me to take it out. It all lasted about two hours, which is pretty expensive if you ask me! Like I said, it was adorable! I just don't think she was old enough to really appreciate it. We'll try again when she's five or older.
Bow and pacifier clip by Loved by Sophia Claire.
Karissa and I dressed the girls up like their favorite princesses and it was seriously too cute!! Dresses and tights by June and January, crowns by Presh Toast Crowns, and shoes by Mon Petite Shoes.
My fave dresses ever by Plain Jane (the girls wear these dresses as pj's and out and about!), we tripleted this day and all wore these dresses. The girls Minnie shoes were a huge hit, a must have for a Disney trip!!!
These Minnie ears are seriously THE CUTEST!! Find them over at Gugu Baby Boutique!
Pink dresses by June and January.
Sloan's necklace by Hooray Everyday.
Dresses by The Little Spoons.