Well I keep thinking that life is going to slow down, but it's been busy busy busy lately! Busy with lots of good things though so I'm not complaining. Sloan and Phayre have had so many new things happen lately, they are just growing SO quickly!
A few weeks ago Sloan started preschool! She is going a few half days a week and she absolutely loves it! The first time we dropped her off I thought for sure she'd cry, but she didn't at all. No the toddler didn't cry, but I DID. I was such a hot mess. The director and teachers were trying to talk to me and I could not stop crying. Like ridiculously sobbing so much that I couldn't even speak. And I may have called twice during the four hours that she was there to check on her. Being a mama and watching your babies grow is so hard. I feel Sloan's babyness slipping away from me and I'm having a really hard time with it. I love watching her grow and learn, but I just miss my baby Sloany some days.

After I got over my massive amounts of guilt for not being with Sloan, I realized how much I was enjoying just being with Phayre. You don't realize how amazing that alone time is with your first baby. You never get those firsts again. But I do feel like I'm getting some of that special time to bond with Phayre now. And hello, going to Target with one baby is basically like going by yourself!
We're still introducing solids to Phayre and she still absolutely hates them! She is the most easy going baby until it comes to eating food. She presses her lips closed, gags, and then eventually starts screaming and crying. I even tried some baby led weaning and tried to help her eat little bites of carrots and green beans... but nope! She was just as disgusted. So lets just say that's a work in progress.
Phayre got her first tooth! We didn't even know she was teething, it just appeared one day. I forgot how cute and tiny their first teeth are. I smile every time I see it!
In other news, we made our favorite
pulled pork recipe over the weekend and then used some of the leftovers to put into this amazing
cauliflower fried rice recipe (we added pulled pork instead of bacon). Both recipes are paleo and whole 30 compliant. While we're not doing either diets, I love borrowing recipes from them. My friend Liz introduced me to both recipes and we can't stop making them! Annnnnd now I'm hungry again :).
Well you know I believe in balance! So after making our healthy dinners, I did bake the most delicious
lemon blueberry muffins! We brought them to a playdate and they were seriously so good, definitely a recipe worth trying. I used non fat plain greek yogurt, but I think next time I want to try vanilla greek yogurt with this recipe.
Over the weekend we also celebrated Valentine's Day! I surprised Eric with a date on Saturday night and he was seriously shocked. We do not get out enough just the two of us!! We had an amazing dinner at Portland City Grill. We sat there forever just chatting away and savoring each minute of our alone time . We even ordered dessert... not because either of us wanted it, but because we didn't want the evening to end. I realized just how much I've missed him. He works a lot and life with two little ones just gets busy! It was a really good reminder that we need to make more time for "us".
On actual Valentine's Day, we were both treated by the girls sleeping in! That might have been the best gift ever! Once we were up, we made a big breakfast and the girls got to open the few little gifts that we had gotten them. Phayre got some snacks and a teether while Sloan got a new book, a
Cinderella nightgown, and the
Cinderella doll she has wanted forever! She was a very happy little lady on Valentine's Day! Eric got the girls a Disneyland gift card for our trip this spring, which I thought was such a great gift! Eric was so excited to see Sloan's reaction and she just looked at us like, "what the hell is a gift card?" I'm sure she'll learn to appreciate those :).
Speaking of Disneyland, we booked our upcoming trip over the weekend! We are all so excited to go to California to visit family and go to the most magical place on earth! And seriously Sloan cannot stop talking about going, it's so cute. I'll say, "Sloan, what do you feel like for lunch?" And she'll respond with, "We're having lunch at Disneyland??" Not for a few months girly, but I love the enthusiasm! :)
I'm on the hunt for fun Disney items and I found my first item over the weekend! This
Mickey diaper bag is actually made by Petunia Picklebottom, but it's sold at Target! It was so reasonable, as soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it! It'll be so perfect for our trip (I love the huge pockets!). They also have a
Minnie version! Now I'm searching for some fun outfits for the girls to wear!
Well nap time is over (thanks P) so I better run!