
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Easter Basket Stuffins

I am so excited to fill the girl's Easter baskets in just a few weeks!  Easter is really early this year so I've already gotten started on my shopping.  I picked up these bunny pajamas for the girls (you know how I feel about matching pajamas!) and they are so cute!  I always throw a book and stuffed animal in their baskets, along with other trinkets that I know they'll like.  Both of my girls have the large wicker baskets from Pottery Barn Kids, they're super big and well made.  I rounded up some of my favorite Easter basket goodies for babies and toddlers for you guys and linked them all below!

These are bigger ticket items, you can also add fun things like snacks, teethers, nail polish, matchbox cars, chalk, coloring books, headbands or clips (I'm eyeing the set I linked below for Sloan!), and of course bunny ears.  Oh and you should definitely put Cadbury mini eggs in your littles basket because they're like the most delicious candy ever.  Side note: Sloan was born in the spring and I'm absolutely positive that half her body was made up by Cadbury mini eggs.  I ate sooooo many :).

Hooded bunny towel. Duckling rattle. Monogrammed bunny stuffed animal. Bunny slippersThe Easter Egg book. Colorful wooden stacker toy. Floating duck bath toy. Bunny Easter basket. If I Were a Bunny book. Wooden sailboat. Clip set. Nesting Easter eggsEgg Stampers.

Don't forget, you can save 10% on monogrammed bunnies over at Peekawhoo with code SLOANANDCO (the cut off date for monogrammed bunnies to be delivered by Easter is March 11th so hurry)!

I hope this round up gave you some good ideas!  Have fun shopping for your littles!



Thursday, February 25, 2016

Spring Fever!

We have had such beautiful weather in the Pacific Northwest this week!  It is getting me so excited for spring.  While it isn't quite warm enough to wear short sleeves, I have been browsing and I wanted to share whats on my wish list for the girls and I!  Hope you guys love these pieces as much as I do!  ((links for each item is below the photo))



Sunday, February 21, 2016

My Breastfeeding Essentials

Alright mama's, lets talk about boobies!  I'm talking about breastfeeding, duh (get your mind out of the gutter) ;).

Teeny tiny baby Phayre, about 15 minutes old.

I have been exclusively breastfeeding Phayre for 6.5 months and I'm incredibly proud of that.  After many struggles, I was unable to breastfeed Sloan.  She is a perfectly happy and healthy little girl and was formula fed most of her first year.  I am a firm believer in "Fed is Best", as long as you're doing what is right for you and your baby you're doing the right thing!  I did want to share a few of my breastfeeding essentials with you mamas though, I hope this list is helpful!

In the beginning breast feeding is so hard and it hurts!  After trying several different creams, I found that this one worked best for me.  I also used these gel pads when I became engorged and they were so helpful!

When I'm home, I find it most comfortable to nurse Phayre when she's laying on her boppy.  I love all of the boppy covers from Ivie Baby and currently use this one.

When I'm out, I use this nursing cover and I absolutely love it!  It can also be used as carseat cover, shopping cart cover, and highchair cover.  It's so soft and big that you can use it as a blanket if you forget your babies blanket... not that I've ever done that ;).

I couldn't live without my two favorite nursing bras (first one, second one).  I also love this nursing nightgown (I love it so much I bought two).  Nursing tanks are super convenient, I love this one (it helps pull your postpartum tummy in) and this one.

I actually don't have a ton of nursing clothes, but I'm always on the hunt!  I did wear this wrap dress to a wedding recently and it was super easy to nurse in (plus it's on sale for $6.99 right now?!)

Throughout the last six months, I have had some issues with milk supply pop up.  My best advice for keeping your supply up is DRINK A TON OF WATER and make sure you are eating and sleeping enough.  I also love these Oat Mama bars, they are delicious and super convenient when I'm out and about.

I spoke with Michelle from Oil Magic By Michelle and she recommends fennel and basil oils to help with milk production.  She is SO knowledgeable and can help with so many different things!

I hope this list has been helpful!  Please let me know if you have any breastfeeding items that you can't live without!



Monday, February 15, 2016

Life Lately

Well I keep thinking that life is going to slow down, but it's been busy busy busy lately!  Busy with lots of good things though so I'm not complaining.  Sloan and Phayre have had so many new things happen lately, they are just growing SO quickly!

A few weeks ago Sloan started preschool!  She is going a few half days a week and she absolutely loves it!  The first time we dropped her off I thought for sure she'd cry, but she didn't at all.  No the toddler didn't cry, but I DID.  I was such a hot mess.  The director and teachers were trying to talk to me and I could not stop crying.  Like ridiculously sobbing so much that I couldn't even speak.  And I may have called twice during the four hours that she was there to check on her.  Being a mama and watching your babies grow is so hard.  I feel Sloan's babyness slipping away from me and I'm having a really hard time with it.  I love watching her grow and learn, but I just miss my baby Sloany some days.

Sloan's unicorn backpack was only $20 and is so cute!  She has the matching lunch bag too.

After I got over my massive amounts of guilt for not being with Sloan, I realized how much I was enjoying just being with Phayre.  You don't realize how amazing that alone time is with your first baby.  You never get those firsts again.  But I do feel like I'm getting some of that special time to bond  with Phayre now.  And hello, going to Target with one baby is basically like going by yourself!

We're still introducing solids to Phayre and she still absolutely hates them!  She is the most easy going baby until it comes to eating food.  She presses her lips closed, gags, and then eventually starts screaming and crying.  I even tried some baby led weaning and tried to help her eat little bites of carrots and green beans... but nope!  She was just as disgusted.  So lets just say that's a work in progress.

Phayre got her first tooth!  We didn't even know she was teething, it just appeared one day.  I forgot how cute and tiny their first teeth are.  I smile every time I see it!

In other news, we made our favorite pulled pork recipe over the weekend and then used some of the leftovers to put into this amazing cauliflower fried rice recipe (we added pulled pork instead of bacon).  Both recipes are paleo and whole 30 compliant.  While we're not doing either diets, I love borrowing recipes from them.  My friend Liz introduced me to both recipes and we can't stop making them!  Annnnnd now I'm hungry again :).

Well you know I believe in balance!  So after making our healthy dinners, I did bake the most delicious lemon blueberry muffins!  We brought them to a playdate and they were seriously so good, definitely a recipe worth trying.  I used non fat plain greek yogurt, but I think next time I want to try vanilla greek yogurt with this recipe.

Over the weekend we also celebrated Valentine's Day!  I surprised Eric with a date on Saturday night and he was seriously shocked.  We do not get out enough just the two of us!!  We had an amazing dinner at Portland City Grill.  We sat there forever just chatting away and savoring each minute of our alone time .  We even ordered dessert... not because either of us wanted it, but because we didn't want the evening to end.  I realized just how much I've missed him.  He works a lot and life with two little ones just gets busy!  It was a really good reminder that we need to make more time for "us".

Obsessed with this jumpsuit!

On actual Valentine's Day, we were both treated by the girls sleeping in!  That might have been the best gift ever!  Once we were up, we made a big breakfast and the girls got to open the few little gifts that we had gotten them.  Phayre got some snacks and a teether while Sloan got a new book, a Cinderella nightgown, and the Cinderella doll she has wanted forever!  She was a very happy little lady on Valentine's Day!  Eric got the girls a Disneyland gift card for our trip this spring, which I thought was such a great gift!  Eric was so excited to see Sloan's reaction and she just looked at us like, "what the hell is a gift card?"  I'm sure she'll learn to appreciate those :).

Speaking of Disneyland, we booked our upcoming trip over the weekend!  We are all so excited to go to California to visit family and go to the most magical place on earth!  And seriously Sloan cannot stop talking about going, it's so cute.  I'll say, "Sloan, what do you feel like for lunch?"  And she'll respond with, "We're having lunch at Disneyland??"  Not for a few months girly, but I love the enthusiasm!  :)

I'm on the hunt for fun Disney items and I found my first item over the weekend!  This Mickey diaper bag is actually made by Petunia Picklebottom, but it's sold at Target!  It was so reasonable, as soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it!  It'll be so perfect for our trip (I love the huge pockets!).  They also have a Minnie version!  Now I'm searching for some fun outfits for the girls to wear!

Well nap time is over (thanks P) so I better run!



Thursday, February 11, 2016

Five Valentine's Day Activities To Do With Your Littles

You all know how much I love holidays!  Valentine's Day is no exception.  Lot's of hearts, pink, and it's all about love!  We love celebrating holidays and making it fun for the girls.  I rounded up a few activities that you can all try too!

1. Read some Valentine's Day books as a family.  I usually let Sloan pick out a few books for each holiday and we read them about 98658734 times :).  A few of our favorite Valentine's Day books are You Know What I love?, Love Monster, Hug Machine, and You Are My Heart.

2. Make a LOVEly breakfast (you see what I did there).  These strawberry sprinkle funfetti pancakes look so yummy and are sure to be a kid favorite.  A few weeks ago we started using a condiment dispenser to make letters with pancakes and Sloan loves them.  Another fun one to try!

3. Do a Valentine craft.  This handprint heart is on my must do list.

Image via Babble.

4. Make a festive snack.  A friend of mine gave me a recipe recently and it was a huge hit with Sloan!  All you do is mix up vanilla cupcake graham goldfish, valentine m&m's, and mini marshmallows!  Easy and yummy.  This would be a great snack for a Valentine's Day party as well.

5. If your little needs Valentines to give to their friends or classmates, these gem ones are so cute!  Sloan will be giving them to her little preschool friends today at their Valentines Social.  I cut the hearts out and attached them to ring erasers (that I got from Target) with pink twine.  If your little isn't in school, let them drop some valentines off to neighbors or good friends.

Hope you guys enjoy these!



Saturday, February 6, 2016

Phayre's Favorite Products // Six Months Old

Six months means new activities and new products so I thought I'd share a few products that we absolutely cannot live without these days!

Phayre's favorite thing ever is taking baths.  We use Tubby Tod bubble bath and their winter scent smells amazeballs.  I also love hooded towels, we're currently using this heart one from Ideal Baby.

I've already told you how obsessed I am with Golden Hill Design onesies.  Seriously the softest ever!

We couldn't live without our DockATot!  Phayre spends so much of her day in this thing (rest, lounging, and playing).  I drag it all around the house because she's just so comfortable in it and I know she can't roll off anywhere.  A full review coming soon, but if you haven't looked up this product you really need to!

We have had the OXO Tot sprout highchair since Sloan was a baby and I cannot say enough good things about it.  It is so easy to clean, very sturdy, and it looks nice in our home too!  Sloan still uses her highchair and we have had some sharing issues during meal time... we're actually considering buying another one!

I use these baby food storage containers to store her baby food after I've made it and they're super convenient.

Still using tons of burp cloths (thank you acid reflux).

We just started using Oogaa bowls and spoons and I am OBSESSED!  We are using the bowls and spoons with Phayre and the divided plates with Sloan.  They are made of silicone and come in the coolest colors.  And get this: they are microwave safe, dishwasher safe, heat resistant and freezer safe.  Oh AND the silicone will not support the growth of fungus, mould or bacteria.  Love love these products, definitely look these up and get yourself some!

We don't leave the house without toys and teethers for Miss P to chew on.  Sophie the giraffe is one of her faves.

And last, but certainly not least-The Owlet Care monitor.  You can read my full review here, but we seriously use it religiously and it gives us such peace of mind.  I couldn't imagine putting Phayre to bed without it on now!  Another must have product for any baby.

Phayre's Adventures // 6 Months Old

Our sweet Phayre Bear is six months old!  Six months is a big milestone.  It's half a year!  And they do so many new things (eat solid food, sit up, etc).  Phayre is changing so rapidly, she's like a real baby now and not a newborn at all.  My mama heart is just aching as I feel her babyness slipping away from me.  Someone should tell you how much faster time flies by with your second baby.  Like it's unreal... I swear to you I feel like I was pregnant two weeks ago and should have a very very tiny newborn right now!  So this is me, telling you-It goes WAY faster with your second baby!  I can't even imagine how much faster it goes by with your third or fourth baby?!  Oh and I have to officially stop using "my toddler and newborn" as my excuse for being late or frazzled :(.  Nope, no newborn here (cue the big ugly mama tears).

Miss Phayre is weighing in at 15 pounds (40th percentile) and is 26.5 inches long (75th percentile).  She has the most delicious thighs.  And double (maybe triple) chin.  And cheeeeeeks!  Oh my gosh her cheeks :).  She's pretty easy going and such a happy girl.  She smiles at everyone, but only laughs when she thinks something is really funny.  She laughs most at Sloan and has this really deep chuckle.  It's hilarious.  She is very vocal, always making noises at us.  Her toes are constantly in her mouth and she ALWAYS wants a toy/teether in her hands/mouth.

Phayre still nurses every three hours (6 feedings a day) and is taking three naps per day.  She usually goes to bed around 8:30pm and sleeps until about 5:30-6am.  She wakes up to nurse and then goes back to sleep for a few hours.  She loves to sleep in and I LOVE that about her!  Whenever she wakes up and I go in and pick her up out of her crib, she wraps her arms around me and gives me the BEST hug for about ten seconds.  It's seriously like a little piece of heaven and I live for it everyday.  Her favorite thing in the whole world is taking bubble baths with her sister and she still hates being on her tummy.

We just started solid foods!  And I'm pretty sure my baby thinks I'm torturing her.  We started with avocado and after a few days tried broccoli.  She hates food so much.  I'm pretty sure at one point I saw her look at Sloan and mouth, "call child protective services."  She spits out what she can and then gags on whats left on her tongue.  I'm thinking she just wants to be my forever baby and breastfeed forever.  I might be ok with a forever baby ;).

We noticed shortly after starting solids that our normally happy girl was being very very fussy and having a hard time sleeping.  Phayre has severe acid reflux so I called the advice nurse and she said that avocado and broccoli can be really hard on reflux baby's tummies (avocado is super fatty and broccoli can make babies gassy-this can add to reflux pain).  So we just started pea's and she seems to be doing much better... although she still hates eating!  Next up is green beans and then sweet potatoes.  I am making all of P's baby food, I'll post some of my fave recipes on the blog soon!  We're easing her in to food with purees, but hope to incorporate some baby led weaning in the next month or so.

See I told you, she HATES solid foods!

P is almost sitting up, she kind of hunches over and then leans on one hand.  She'll sit for a bit and then start whining for me to pick her up.  Baby girl loves to be held!  I don't mind though, I have become very good at doing things one handed.  She still loves being in the wrap and falls asleep almost instantly.

Well thats what our girl is up to these days!  She is just this bright little light in our lives and I still can't believe I get to keep her!  We love her crazy amounts, but sure wish she'd slow down and stop growing up so fast!

