We had such a wonderful (and full) Easter weekend! Holidays with two little ladies just keep getting better and better. I love that we're starting our own traditions as a family of four. So many memories were made this weekend, lots that must be documented so that I never ever forget! Get ready for picture overload... I told you guys it was a good weekend!
On Friday night we dyed eggs and this may have been Sloan's most favorite part of the whole weekend! She chose the dye kit we used, she helped me put the eggs in the pot to be boiled, and she got everything all set up. She totally ran the show and it was so fun watching her! She let Phayre watch, but she most certainly was not allowed to touch the eggs (remind me to buy two egg dye kits next year!). She also put sparkles on the eggs, so naturally they became princess eggs :).

On Saturday morning, we headed to Lee Farms for an Easter egg hunt. Am I the only one that thinks little kids hunting eggs is the cutest thing ever?! I loved watching Sloan fill her basket with eggs, she was so excited! After the egg hunt, we walked around the farm and looked at animals (she LOVED the chicks, horses, and bunnies). They also had cookie decorating, which I let Sloan do... she managed to pile on about three inches of frosting, sprinkles, and marshmallows onto one cookie. Weirdest thing though... the cookie never made it home. We just couldn't figure out how that happened?! ;-)

After the egg hunt, we went to brunch #mimosas. Sloan brought her Easter basket inside and spent almost the entire time going though her new treasures. Phayre was supposed to be asleep while we were there, but managed to stay awake through the whole meal and of course needed to nurse ;). Phayre is loving baby led weaning, so she also enjoyed some bites of our meal and chowed down on a piece of french bread. The meal was relatively quiet and definitely a success with two kids! Love when that happens!
My nursing view.
We let Sloan stay up late watching movies in our bed on Saturday night, I love when we get to do special "big girl" things with her! After Tangled and Beauty and The Beast, we were all exhausted and fell asleep. It wasn't until 6am when Phayre woke up to nurse that I realize I never stuffed eggs or hid them around the house! I knew it was supposed to rain on Sunday so I had planned on stuffing eggs and hiding them around the house on Saturday night so that Sloan could wake up and do a little egg hunt on Easter morning. So, I nursed Phayre back to sleep and ran downstairs. I stuffed all of the eggs, hid them around the house, and then tucked the girls baskets into their teepee in the playroom.
By 7:45, both girls were up and we headed downstairs. Sloan ran around finding all of the eggs and took turns putting them into hers and Phayre's baskets (such a good big sister)! She found their baskets in the teepee and we spent the next hour looking at all their fun things! Sloan loved her princess jasmine dress, baby doll (who she named Rae), and her glitter color wonder markers most. Phayre loved the teeniest tiniest little Saltwater sandals that I got for her! Ha, just kidding! She chewed on them for a bit, but really only appreciated the puffs that were in her basket :).

Eric made us eggs benedict (which was served with more mimosas, duh) and we spent the entire day hanging out as a family. It was so relaxed and we got some much needed quality time in. We snuck out during a rain break and went on a family walk, spent hours pretend playing with Sloan's princess dolls, and read all of the girls new books that the Easter bunny had brought them! Such a great Easter weekend and I am just so thankful! He has risen, he has risen indeed!