
Thursday, August 17, 2017

Big Sister Gifts

Happy Birthday eve to our little guy!  We head in tonight to start our induction so that we can meet our son TOMORROW (eeeeeeep!!!).  I have been busy all week preparing for my tiny boyfriend-well I guess I should say I've been keeping myself busy all week so that I don't just sit around thinking about the fact that I'm stilllll pregnant and so dang uncomfortable.

The girls are over the moon excited to meet their baby brother.  They've been asking for months when he'll finally be here and the anticipation in the last week has been a real killer!  It's so fun having an older toddler/kid (what do you call a four year old?!) that really understands that a baby is coming and can truly show their excitement.  Sloan cannot wait to help me take care of her brother.  She's constantly telling me what she's going to do for the baby and what things she'll be in charge of.  Phayre mimics Sloan's excitement and talks about the baby constantly, but I don't think she really understands that he's going to live with us and that she won't be the baby anymore!

While Sloan cannot wait to be my helper, Phayre is our little mama of the family.  You'll never find her without a baby under her arm.  She's constantly feeding and rocking her babies, it's one of my most favorite things about her.  I wanted to get the girls gifts from their baby brother because I want his birth to feel like a celebration and I want the girls to feel extra special on the day that they meet their brother!  I got the girls a few items to keep them busy while mama is nursing and taking care of baby, as well as some babydoll items so that they'll have something to take care of too.

I remember putting together Sloan's big sister gift right before Phayre was born.  That seriously feels like it was two weeks ago!!  She felt so special opening her presents in the hospital and when she had opened everything up, she kissed P and thanked her.  I cannot wait to have those moments again this time with baby brother and his TWO big sisters!

Here is what I got the girls, any of these items could be switched out the suit your child's interests:

-Diaper bag.  Sloan has been asking me for a diaper bag of her own for months, which has been funny because I've had one sitting in the closet waiting for brothers arrival for months!  I got the girls each a mini Fawn Design diaper bag.  I'll be totally honest-these were on the spendy side and I actually felt really guilty after buying two of them.  I felt much less guilty once they came and I saw just how adorable they are though ;).  They are SO cute and the quality is amazing, but any type of bag or backpack could work as a diaper bag for your little lady.
-Baby doll.  I got the girls each a boy baby doll.  Out of the 100 baby dolls living in our house, we do not have one boy baby doll!  I wanted the girls to have little boy babies to take care of while I take care of their brother.
-Baby doll care items.  I got each girl a little set with a bottle, diapers, and a few other little toy baby items.
-Swaddle blanket.  Another thing Sloan keeps asking for is her own swaddle blanket for her babies.  I got each girl a swaddle blanket so they can wrap their babies up.
-Hooray Everyday Necklaces.  My sweet friend Hana from Hooray Everyday made the girls the cutest blue wooly ball necklaces.  Sloan has decided that baby brothers favorite color is blue, so she'll love that brother is giving her a blue necklace.
-Disposable camera.  Sloan LOVES taking photos (she get it from her mama) so I got her a disposable camera.  I didn't get one for P because I just cannot see a two year old being able to use a disposable camera.  I did get her a little toy camera, I'm hoping she doesn't notice that hers and sisters cameras are different!
-Big sister books.  I got the girls You're Getting a Baby Brother and  How to Be a Baby... by Me, the Big Sister.
-Art supplies and workbooks.  I made up a little basket with a few new art supplies and a few preschool workbooks for Sloan.  I want them to have some fun new things to do while I'm busy with baby.
-I also threw in a lipgloss and a little container of mini m&m's for each girl just because they love those things :).

I had so much fun packing up these gifts for the girls.  I cannot wait for them to come to the hospital to meet their brother!!!!! Ahhh so soon!




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