
Thursday, October 6, 2016

The new Maxi Cosi Dana Stroller // Product Review

It's no secret that I love Maxi Cosi.  They are one of my favorite baby gear brands so I was pretty excited to try the new Maxi Cosi Dana stroller!  I've actually been searching for a (decently priced) lightweight stroller for mornings when Sloan is at preschool and it's just P and I.  I love running errands with P, it's so special getting one-on-one time with her and lets be honest... taking ONE kid out it so easy!!

The Dana stroller is super lightweight, it's only about 20 pounds.  It's so easy to get in and out of my car and is super compact when folded.  It can actually stand upright when folded which I thought was a really nice feature.  But the very best part about this stroller is that it is so incredibly plush.  The seat is so padded and plush, Phayre is so comfortable.  The Dana also has an oversized canopy and reclines almost completely flat.  It's perfect when I'm on the go and Phayre needs to take a snooze.  Oh and MAJOR bonus-the seat pad is removable and washable.  Perfect if your baby is a mum-mum addict like P.

When P was tiny (insert crying face emoji here, where did my tiny baby go?!), we used the Maxi Cosi Mico Max 30 infant carseat. I am so bummed we didn't have this stroller then because this stroller can also be used as a travel system.  Carseat adapters are included with the stroller, so you can easily click a Maxi Cosi infant carseat right onto the stroller.  Along with the carseat adapters, the stroller also comes with a cupholder.  I love that it comes included and you don't have to purchase it separately.

Like I said this stroller is very lightweight, which would make it perfect for travel.  You don't ever have to push your little around in a rickety umbrella stroller again.  The Dana is slim and lightweight, but really stable and easy to push.  This stroller is actually really comfortable for both of the girls (it can hold kiddos up to 50 pounds).  Last weekend we were walking around downtown and Sloan started to get a little tired.  I put P in the front pack and Sloan sat in the Dana stroller.  She immediately said, "Mama, I want to lay down.  This is sooooooo cozy."  Comfortable and happy (and quiet) kiddos are always a good thing in my book!  It also has a storage basket underneath, another great everyday and travel feature.

So obviously I love this stroller!  It is just so compact and easy and Phayre is so comfortable in it.  It's the perfect stroller for when I'm out and about with P or when I'm running a quick errand with both of the girls.  I also can't wait to travel with it!  You can learn lots more about the Dana stroller here, I promise you won't be disappointed if you're looking for a lightweight single stroller!

Let me know if you have any other questions, I would be happy to share my opinions or experience!



I patterned with Maxi Cosi on this post, all opinions expressed are 100% my own!!  


  1. Since when is 20 lbs considered super lightweight?

  2. Compared to my double stroller, this stroller is super lightweight! I can easily get it in and out of my car.
